Posted: July 15th, 2022

Do you think it is unethical for employers to select applicants on the basis of measures such as “Dislike loud music” even if the scales that such items measure has been shown to predict job performance?

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Do you think it is unethical for employers to select applicants on the basis of measures such as “Dislike loud music” even if the scales that such items measure has been shown to predict job performance? Explain.
Example Response
Individuals are increasingly being chosen based on broad personality traits, yet some experts have pushed for the change of scale items to better reflect work content. Using “work keys,” which are special terms placed into conventional personality surveys to make them more relevant to the workplace, is a common way to achieve this transformation. Items like “I prefer to work in a quiet atmosphere,” which is a measure of introversion, might be replaced with “I prefer to work in a quiet environment.” “I enjoy letting my imagination run wild at work,” for example, may be replaced by “Enjoy wild flights of fantasy.” The use of work keys alleviates some ethical concerns about invasive questions while also improving the validity of selection measures in most empirical studies

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