Posted: November 14th, 2022

Do you think it would be best to try to make these changes in how the firm runs this and future cell phone design projects”

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Questions and Problems
Chapter 5: Case: Product Design Project (page 164). Answer all six questions in the textbook. You must use a project network analysis to answer these questions. 15 points
Chapter 5: Discussion Question 2 (page 157). 5 points
chapter 5: Discussion Question 6 (page 157). 5 points
“You work for a company that makes cell phones and have been made project manager for the design of a new cell phone. Your supervisors have already scoped the project, so you have a list showing the work breakdown structure, and this includes major project activities. You must plan the project schedule and calculate project duration. Your boss wants the schedule on his desk tomorrow morning! You have been given the information in Exhibit 5.13. It includes all the activities required in the project and the duration of each activity. Also, dependencies between the activities have been identified. Remember that the preceding activity must be fully completed before work on the following activity can be started.
Your project is divided into five major subprojects. Subproject P involves developing specifications for the new cell phone. Here, decisions related to such things as battery life, size of the phone, and features need to be made. These details are based on how a customer uses the cell phone. These user specifications are redefined in terms that have meaning to the subcontractors that will actually make the new cell phone in subproject S supplier specifications. These involve engineering details for how the product will perform.
The individual components that make up the product are the focus of subproject D. Subproject I brings all the components together, and a working prototype is built and tested. Finally, in subproject V, suppliers are selected and contracts are negotiated. Chapter 5: Case: Product Design Project (page 164). Answer all six questions in the textbook. You must use a project network analysis to answer these questions.
1.Draw a project network that includes all the activities.
2. Calculate the start and finish times for each activity and determine the minimum number of weeks for completing the project. Find the activities that are on the critical path for completing the project in the shortest time. 3.Identify slack in the activities not on the project critical path.
4.You have been asked to study the impact of making two changes to how the project is organized. The first change involves using dedicated teams that would work strictly in parallel on the activities in each sub-project. For example, in subproject P (product specifications) the team would work on P1, P2, P3, and P4 all in parallel. In other words, there would be no precedence relationships within a subproject—all tasks within a subproject would be worked on at the same time and each would take the same amount of time as originally specified. With this new design, all the subprojects would be done sequentially with P done first, then S, D, I, and finally V. What would be the expected impact on how long it would take to complete the project if this change were made? 5.The second change to consider would be to select the suppliers during subproject P and have them work directly with the dedicated teams as described in step 4. This would involve adding an additional activity to subproject P called supplier selection and contract negotiation (P5) with a duration of 12 weeks. This new activity would be done in parallel with P1, P2, P3, and P4. Subprojects S and V would be eliminated from the project. What would be the expected impact on how long it would take to complete the project if this additional change were made? 6.Evaluate the impact of making these changes using criteria other than just the time to complete the project. Do you think it would be best to try to make these changes in how the firm runs this and future cell phone design projects”
Chapter 5: Discussion Question 2 (page 157). 2.What are some reasons project scheduling is not done well?
chapter 5: Discussion Question 6 (page 157). 6.Which characteristics must a project have for critical path scheduling to be applicable? What types of projects have been subjected to critical path analysis?

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