Posted: September 29th, 2022

Do you try to incorporate empathy into your daily life? How do you do this?

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Do you try to incorporate empathy into your daily life? How do you do this?
What are some things you can do to be an active listener? Why is it valuable to learn about the perspectives of others?
Course Material Reflection
The second reflection paper is a review of team behavior and individual behavior that leads to team performance. In this reflection, you are requested to reflect on your strengths and weaknesses as a team member and leader. Later, you will write a section to reflect any explicit or implicit challenges to your team performance (e.g., time management, meeting styles, problem-solving processes, delegation of work, decision-making style, etc.) How have you contributed to deal with these challenges? How learning about the perspectives of others may help you to deal with the challenges? What interventions would you make to improve your team performance? Support your recommendations by applying at least two concepts from the following of Maharishi’s Tapes: Lesson 8 Maharishi on ideal relationships and Lesson 9 Maharishi on positivity
Your work will be evaluated using the following: “depth and thoughtfulness of reflection based on the presented material for the class lecture and your evidence.” (source from

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