Posted: July 26th, 2022

Does your writing persuade via ethos, pathos, logos, kairos?

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Graduates can write, speak, and collaborate with others in an effective and professional manner.
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Below Expectations (2-5 pts)
Meets Expectations (6-9 pts)
Expectations (10-11 pts)
Content: Have you cogently expressed your main ideas? Do you support those with evidence (use sources from class and outside of class)? Did you include several topics from class in a cohesive way?
Structure and Organization: Do you use topic sentences effectively? Is there a logical sequence and progression to your writing?
Mechanics: Do you use proper and appropriate expressions/grammar/spelling/punctuation? (Expectation is fewer than 1 mistake per page).
Format and Sourcing: Do you format using APA guidelines? Have you cited your sources? (Between 3 – 5 pages—excludes References. Use Times New Roman 12-pt font, double-spaced).
Style: Is your writing readable and interesting? Does it balance readability and professionalism? (Interesting and engaging without being too familiar or too formal).
Sincerity: Is your writing sincere and authentic? Do you bravely and realistically present your ideas?
Convincing: Does your writing persuade via ethos, pathos, logos, kairos?
Example topic sentence: I will measure my life by those values that are most important to me. (Then go on to describe how those values will be used to measure the success of your life).
Example topic sentence 2: First and foremost of my values is a desire for truth. Truth is….(then go on to describe what truth is to you as a value and how it relates back to how you will measure your life).
The gist of topic sentences is “BLUF” (bottom-line up front). Begin with your main idea, then the remaining sentences of that paragraph (or section with several paragraphs) is to support that main idea. After supporting that idea, then move on to the next one and do the same thing. To be most effective, you will also be able to have those topics/main ideas flow from one another smoothly. In the future, when you write longer works (e.g., business plans, prospectuses, theses, grat proposals, books), you can also extend this idea further by positioning your first paragraph(s)/chapter/vignette/etc. so that it expresses the bottom-line at the very start.
To give you guidance, essentially the assignment consists of:
· First, answering the prompt (i.e., “How will you measure your life?”). This answers the “what”. What yardstick will you use to determine if your life was a “success” or not?
· Then, you will answer how to accomplish that “what.” How will you attain your self-definition of success? Recall from the beginning of this course, strategy is not “what” but “how.” As such, you can pull from strategic management principles in describing how you will attain the measure you defined in the first part.
Here are some suggestions of class content you could use (you don’t have to use these…I provide them here simply as examples. If you wish to use them, that is also perfectly fine):
· Internal analysis (knowing your own strengths and weaknesses is important to help you figure out how to strategically reach your life goals)
· External analysis (knowing what opportunities or threats exist now and possibly in the future which could help—or hamper—you successfully attain success as you define it)
· Blue Ocean strategy (how can you uniquely provide value where no one else currently seems to be looking?)
· Pull from content outside of what we have covered in class (e.g., statistics, trends, etc. to substantiate any claims you are making)

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