Posted: May 28th, 2022

Drew Dudley “Everyday Leadership” – TED Talks

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focus on critical thinking and the art of critical reflecting.
I have 4 attached the literary articles only two are needed. It is 3 articles and one Ted talk video so any of the 2 sources need to be used.
Drew Dudley “Everyday Leadership” – TED Talks
Fundamentally, the pinnacle of higher-education is learning theory and strategies that are transferable to our workplace now and into future space and time. As a professor, I like to focus on putting the conceptual theories into empirical practice. Under “course information”, within the “Leadership” folder, I placed several literary articles for your review. Please look over them and provide a discussion post that answers the following:
1. What is one to three wicked problem that you are facing within the workplace or one to three that you have faced in the past?
2. How might this problem and their solution relate to organizational strategy?
3. Does it have an impact on the organization and its mission or vision?
4. What are the consequences for not taking action?
Be sure to cite 2 scholarly sources to receive full credit
In addition, please come up with insightful information to add value to their pursuit to solve this work based tribulation.

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