Posted: May 6th, 2022

Dubai Economy.

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A research proposal of 1000 words is required to be written for the UAE. This is a good opportunity to work on real life / complex issues faced by Dubai Economy. The topic that I want to work on is “University and Industry Collaorations”.
Write a research proposal providing a research
background, literature review, research question(s) and objectives, research
design, projected timelines, and develop a data collection instrument (to be
provided in the appendix). In summary, your research proposal should be
presented in the following format:
§ Title Page & Table of Contents
§ Executive Summary
§ Main Body Structure


Research Background &
Research Scope

Research problem
(Research questions and objectives)

Literature Review

Research design

§ Conclusion
§ Reference List
Appendix: This is not included in the word count but should be around 1 – 2 pages
in length.
Submission Details:
1. the word limit on this
phase of the assignment is 1000 words (not including table of contents,
executive summary, references).
1.5 spaced. minimum of 25mm (1”) on left, right, top and bottom margins. All pages should be numbered.
Do not use first person, e.g., “I” and “we”
All tables and figures need to be numbered and labelled and referred to as such in the text before they appear in the report.
Harvard system of referencing, i.e., in text referencing (e.g., Smith and John, 2013). Inadequate details of publications and other sources will reduce the assessed grade.

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