Posted: June 10th, 2022

Duringweek 4 you will take another significant step; that of analyzing your ca

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week 4 you will take another significant step; that of analyzing your
case from a global perspective. You are now combining managerial skills
highlighted in the first week’s posting (see “Action” columns of your
SWOT matrix), with your analysis of the case from legal and ethical
perspectives (weeks 2 and 3), and place them in the global context.
Please understand that this is a cumulative process and your work this
week builds upon the work you completed during the previous weeks. This
week you need to identify the opportunities and challenges of
globalization as applicable to the case; and discuss how your decisions
may or may not have an impact on pertinent global factors that emerge
from organizational and managerial differences, local cultures,
international political and economic relations, currency value and
exchange, banking, international trade, market uncertainty, political
risks, conflicts, environment, migration, identity, and so on.

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