Posted: July 9th, 2022

EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION AS A TOOL FOR ACHIEVING ORGANIZATIONAL GOAL AND OBJECTIVES and how How work experience enhances student learning outcomes for your particular emphasis area in the MBA program

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I need to write a research paper for my business class, my topic is about EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION AS A TOOL FOR ACHIEVING ORGANIZATIONAL GOAL AND OBJECTIVES and how How work experience enhances student learning outcomes for your particular emphasis area in the MBA program. I will also need Literature Review: You are required to find 7 articles that relate to your particular emphasis area and the job opportunities available in that field, evidence of how work experience enhances student learning outcomes, and how work experience enhances the learning in the first job out of college. You will need to provide a 1-page review of each article as assigned in the Schedule and a complete Works Cited Page upon completion of the 7 reviews. (There are 5 bonus points on this assignment.)

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