Posted: August 14th, 2022

Emerging Technologies

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**Please note. Initial discussion post (maximum of 200 words and 1 scholarly citations) . UPdate:: after initial post is received. 3 Peer Replys (150 word minimum each reply and
1 reply needs a scholarly resource this part will be due Friday morning.***
Discussion 7 | Emerging Technologies
Review the assigned reading to prepare for this discussion.
an internet search for the top technology trends of the current year. Try using search terms such as “current technology trends”, “emerging technology”, and “new technology for business”.
The following links will give you a good place to start.
Gartner (
Deloitte (
Forbes (
Choose one of the technology trends from your research that interests you most. Share
an example of the technology trend and discuss how the technology is currently being used by individuals or within organizations. Describe your vision of what the future holds for this trend. Think about how this trend will impact your personal behaviors and work processes, as well as information flow. Write a fictional story to describe how you envision this experience. For
example, think about how a particular technology will look in action 5-10 years from now, and tell a story in which that is lived out.
Be creative and have fun with this prompt.
DISCUSS 3 peer reply
College Level Writing
Initial Posts: 200 word MAX 1 scholarly resources
Response to Peers: minimum 150 words each peer reply – one reply needs a scholarly resource
3 peer replys will be followed up for a response
each peer reply needs to be a minimum of 100-150 max words. one must have a sholalry resource
Peer replys below will be updated shortly. Post substantive responses to your colleagues. Responses could include suggestions for further resources, questions of clarification, or providing context and insight. Avoid simple posts of agreement; if you agree, explain why, and then thoughtfully further the conversation.

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