Posted: September 30th, 2022

Employee Training Needs Analysis for Customer-Facing Staff’s Technology Proficiency and Application at HSBC Bank Canada in Prince George by June 2023

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This is project Titel
Employee Training Needs Analysis for Customer-Facing Staff’s Technology Proficiency and Application at HSBC Bank Canada in Prince George by June 2023
To carry out the employee training needs analysis for technology proficiency and application, a competency tests, surveys, and interviews will be used. According to HSBC Bank Annual Report (2021,p16), the company seeks to invest in digital technologies and operational capabilities as an opportunity to drive operating productivity across businesses, subsidiaries, and geographies to provide enhanced client experience . The training needs analysis will be designed to identify gaps or deficiencies in customer-facing employees’ proficiency and skills in using technology for day-to-day operations.
The Canadian workspace has changed significantly over the last few decades (Riddell & Song, 2017). Notably, the financial services industry in British Columbia, especially in cities such as Vancouver, plays a crucial role in the economy of British Columbia and Canada as a whole (Clements, 2020). The financial services industry recognizes the importance of attracting and retaining talent (St-Onge et al., 2022). According to King (2018), organizations such as HSBC Bank Canada are placing talent issues at the core of their human resources plan and deploying various human resource management strategies to strengthen and enhance the productivity of their talent pools.
In a competitive financial services sector, the need for new strategies to mitigate the loss of critical skills, grow the decreasing talent pool, minimize the skills gap, and enhance the productivity of the talent pool call for employee training and development (Ibrahim & Daniel, 2018). Training needs analysis seeks to identify critical skills required for present and future success and to initiate collective and individual action to build the capacity, productivity, and capability of the current and future workforce (Shree, 2017). Instruction
HRPR309 WBS Moodle submission (2.0% of your grade)
1) If you are finding that your WBS is too crowded you can obtain another piece of flipchart paper from me – 2 sheets are provided in Week 2. The library may have flipchart paper that you could get one page but I wouldn’t count on it.
2) The picture you submit must be easily opened and readable by me. If you are using some unusual format and I can’t open it then you get zero marks. Best format is .jpg or preferably .pdf.
3) Your yellow sticky notes should have the following:
a. A line across the bottom third where we will add costing information in the next iteration of your WBS. (costing not required for this stage yet)
b. A noun and a verb – to indicate what is the action(s) for the sticky note
c. (Author, year) citation if the information comes from another source. May not be req’d at this point – depends on what the noun and verb are.
4) Your other colour of sticky notes do not need to have a verb because they indicate a deliverable. If you are not sure about what that means then re-watch the video on the smart music arm band that was shown in class. (Author, year) citation if the information comes from another source.
5) Title of your project written directly on the flip chart paper in felt marker. (Author, year) citation to indicate why this is a problem in the type of business you have chosen. Remember our in-class discussion – you don’t get to make up a business problem! You actually have to provide some evidence that it is an issue for the business you have chosen!
6) How the marks (40 in total) will be allocated:
a. If I can’t read the submission – 0 marks total!
b. Project Title– (5 marks) i. Does the title of the project give enough details (who, what, where, when) or SMART? (3 marks)
ii. Citation (2 marks) – must follow proper APA format and be in smaller font than title
iii. Team member names and student numbers should be readable and appear either on the flipchart paper or a non-yellow sticky note
c. Yellow sticky notes (30 marks) – excessive deductions could result in a mark less than zero for this section!
i. Minus 1 mark for any sticky note that is not clear or is missing a verb or noun
ii. Minus 1 mark for any sticky note that is missing a line about a third up from the base of the sticky note iii. Minus 1 mark for any sticky note that is in the wrong deliverables “column” on the diagram
iv. Minus 1 mark for any obvious missing sticky notes. For tasks that would seem obvious based on the existence of other sticky notes.
d. Reference(s), on a separate piece of paper typed – (5 marks) i. Minimum of one reference justifying why this would/could be a project for the company you have chosen. No references? – 10 mark deduction will be levied. If the company you have chosen does not have operations in B.C. – 3 mark deduction.
ii. 0.5 mark deduction for each error made in reference section.
iii. 0.5 mark deducted if no sub header is used since references are a subsection of most submissions.
iv. Submit as a .pdf format document at the Moodle submission point (same spot where you submit your picture of the WBS)
e. General deductions i. 0.5 mark deducted for each spelling mistake
ii. 0.5 mark deducted for each grammar mistake
iii. 0.5 mark deducted for formatting errors
iv. More than 10 general deductions will result in an overall mark of zero.
Special Note
What are you going to do in this project? ( activities and task ) . Kindly use activities and task in WBC that should include VERB+NOUN. Everything we are going to do in this project please make small and small pieces of task and activities In the work breakdown structure.
(For sample I have attached PICTURE of work breakdown structure and the project title of this pricture is “HIRING EMPLOYEES FOR THE NEW OPERATIONAL OFFICE OF TRANSOURCE LTD. IN PRINCE GEORGE “) we want same as it but according to our project.
You need to use sticky notes for WBS (yellow and green). We will use green for the major deliverables in the project and yellow for the task and activities. Kindly read the instructions very carefully because instructor is very strict regarding instructions.
I have attached one link for you that will helpful for you making WBS.

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