Posted: May 10th, 2022

Employment Communications

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5: Chapter 12 (Employment Communications)
Find any job listing and copy and paste (or re-type) it at the top
of your answer. The job listing can be from a local newspaper or any online
source. Please prepare a cover letter that you would send to apply for that
position. Although you do not need to include your resume in this assignment,
your cover letter should reference points on your resume (or points that would
be on your resume if you had one).
At a minimum, the cover letter should:
Describe your
basic credentials for the job
Express an
interest in the position
Explain why you
would be a good fit for the position
something about the company and why you want to work for that company
Your letter should be 1-2 typed pages long (roughly 500-1,000 words).

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