Posted: October 24th, 2022

Evaluate how the two theories might interact with one another.

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Assume you are the manager of the department where you currently work. If you are not currently working, use a past situation or a hypothetical situation; be sure to describe it. Select two leadership theories that you believe will be most useful in managing your staff. Select different theories or different combinations of theories than your classmates select. Respond to the following:
Assess why you think these theories will be most practical or helpful.
Evaluate how the two theories might interact with one another.
Analyze whether you anticipate needing different leadership methods (based on your two selected theories) according to the ages, races, national origins, cultures, genders, educational backgrounds, or job types of your subordinates. Provide necessary illustrations and citations to justify your conclusions.
Justify three best practices that emerge from your selected leadership theories (three best practices total. You do not need three best practices for each theory).

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