Posted: October 11th, 2022

Evaluate important attributes of effective leaders.

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Part 1:
Choosing which processes are core to a firm’s competitive position is a key strategic decision. Consider how you would determine which processes should be core to a company.
Consider your current job, one you have held, or one you would like to hold. Answer the following in 175 to 350 words:
Analyze the value stream. Does it go beyond the parameters of your control?
Assess examples of variability within a work process. What operations management tools could you employ to reduce variability and add stability to that process?
Evaluate important attributes of effective leaders.
Part 2:
Now, suppose you wanted to open a fast-food restaurant in your local community. Answer the following in 350 to 525 words:
Determine what your supply chain will look like, including any suppliers or vendors you might use.
Assess how you could employ Lean tools in producing menu selections in your restaurant. Describe your process(es) for taking and filling customer orders.
Provide 2 examples and descriptions of the Four M’s within your business.
Evaluate how you would measure employee performance within your restaurant.
Determine what indicators of “winning” and “losing” you would implement to drive positive employee performance in your business.
Assess what quality, cost, delivery, and safety metrics need to be measured in your restaurant.

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