Posted: November 7th, 2022

Evaluate public health policy effectiveness.

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Objective: Explain the role of the various branches of government when a new health law is enacted.
Scenario: There is a new outbreak called pink ear; people who contract the disease become totally deaf in a matter of weeks. A vaccination has been created. Health officials have determined that pink ear can be prevented from spreading across the nation and becoming a pandemic issue if laws are put into place to ensure every child under the age of five is vaccinated.
Address the items below and explain how the public health policy process works. Evaluate public health policy effectiveness.
Which branch is responsible for making the new law?
Which branch is responsible for interpreting the new law?
Which branch is responsible for carrying out the new law?
Which branch has the most power?
What role will healthcare administrators have in the new law?
Consult your textbook and the following reference: (2019). Infographic: 3 Branches of the U.S. Government. Links to an external site.Retrieved from
Include a title page and a reference list. You must cite and reference the website and at least one other source. You may use your text as a source. (2019)

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