Posted: June 23rd, 2022

evaluate the application of various leadership models and approaches, specifically the path-goal theory and the situational approach to leadership, in extreme circumstances.

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The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate the application of various leadership models and approaches, specifically the path-goal theory and the situational approach to leadership, in extreme circumstances.
Review the Turn the Ship Around! (A) case. As a leader, you will be faced with responding immediately to solve issues. The Turn the Ship Around! (A) case is an example of leadership under extreme circumstances. Reflect on this example to shape how you might apply the goal-path theory and the situational leadership approach in an everyday, real-world situation.
Write a 500-750-word paper that analyzes the events outlined in the case by addressing the following questions and concepts. Be sure to support your rationale by providing specific examples. You are required to include three to five additional references to support your position.
Discuss how the leaders demonstrate flexibility and adaptability.
Describe how the leaders apply aspects of the path-goal theory to this situation.
Discuss the leader’s ability to communicate effectively with all of the stakeholders involved and how communication could have been improved.
Explain how well the leaders follow the situational approach to leadership.
Describe how this case might shape how you apply the goal-path theory and the situational approach in a real-world situation.
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