Posted: June 24th, 2022

Evaluating Primary Health Care Credentials

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4201: (PPT) Evaluating Primary Health Care Credentials
Overview: 4 pages (1,100 words)
At least 4 SCHOLARLY sources from peer-reviewed journal. (Any listed sources
can be used.)
APA6. (Any of the listed sources can be used.)
· Develop a 12-slide
PowerPoint presentation to show how medical credentialing and its elements
contribute to the safety and quality of health care delivery. The presentation
is intended to provide non-health care professionals with foundational insights
into the nature, importance, and impact of physician credentials.
· For this assessment, you
will develop a PowerPoint presentation to show how medical credentialing and
its elements contribute to the safety and quality of health care delivery using
an HRM health care challenge in the fictitious hospital of Vila Health. The
presentation is intended to provide non-health care professionals with
foundational insights into the nature, importance, and impact of physician
· Introduction
Health Care Challenge
1. Vila Health is launching
an extensive recruiting program for a planned service expansion that aligns
with its strategic plan to serve a larger diverse population throughout
bordering areas of its current healthcare facilities. The Internet enables Vila
Health to expand its regional clientele with more providers through the use of
TELE-HEALTH technology.
2. Some environmental
scanning has taken place and the recruiting effort is going well, as the
national campaign was able to reach working physicians, medical residents,
highly experienced PAs, and nurse practitioners throughout the entire nation.
There have also been a large number of international applicants who will
require some extra review as they move through the selection and hiring
3. The two HR professionals
on this project are just beginning to understand the challenges of physician
credentialing and selection and all that is associated with the process of
selecting the best qualified medical personnel. Medical credentialing for
principal providers (e.g., physicians, medical residents, highly experienced
PAs and nurse practitioners) goes beyond the validation of education and
licensure with state authorities. It also includes communication and
coordination with commercial insurance providers and Medicare as well as the
tech company providing TELE-HEALTH connections.
4. The recruiting program
applicant review process is about to commence, and the senior HR professional
will be leading her staff and a selection panel of non-medical professionals through
the process of physician credentialing to start. The staffing process includes
candidate selections from applications received, a panel interview session, and
a final selection and review by the group. · Instructions
o Using
course resources and your own research, develop a PowerPoint presentation to
show how medical credentialing and its elements contribute to the safety and
quality of health care delivery. The presentation is intended to provide
non-health care professionals with foundational insights into the nature,
importance, and impact of physician credentials. Include the following:
1. Assess the impact of
factors found in environmental scanning on the decision-making in this
· Describe at least two
factors that may impact Vila Health’s strategic hiring plans. 
2. As part of Vila Health’s
recruiting and selection approaches, distinguish between the specialized skills
of primary health care workers.
· How do the skill
differences in primary health care workers promote organizational goals, including
talent development and mobility?
3. Analyze HR best practices
to support service delivery in this health care recruitment and hiring
Identify metrics to
track workforce planning and talent credentialing that measure Vila Health’s

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