Posted: October 18th, 2022

Examine a famous leader applying concepts and theories explored in this course

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Examine a famous leader applying concepts and theories explored in this course. Follow this outline:
a.) Open your essay with an opening paragraph describing the leader and summarizing the leadership theory that you will be addressing. (Keep the background information very brief. This is not a biographical sketch.)
b.) Name three specific leadership skills, three specific leadership behaviors and three specific leadership traits of this leader.
c.) Name the leadership skill, leadership behavior and leadership trait that you think best explains the success of this leader, and explain why. d.) Apply this leader’s approach or style to one of the leadership theories discussed in this course.
e.) Explain why this leadership style or approach has been successful for this leader and make logical arguments supporting your case.
f.) Write a summarizing paragraph. Cite at least two direct quotes from the textbook (include citation with page number). Direct quotes should be short (no more than one sentence) and should be noted with quotation marks.
g.) Include at least one chart or table to explain a salient leadership point about this leader one that was created by you (the student) in this Critical Essay.
Paper must be typed, double-spaced, 12-point font, 7-10 pages. (Page count does not include a title page or reference list.) Use the description of this assignment to create an outline for this paper. Include an introductory and concluding paragraph. This Critical Essay will count for 20% of the course grade. You should have at least 5 peer-reviewed sources for your paper.

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