Posted: September 29th, 2022

Examine the effectiveness of motivating employees for the purpose of organizational retention.

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Using the CSU Online Library and other disciplinary resources, research how motivational leadership is used in your field. Using this information, write an essay that describes how motivational techniques can be used to enhance employee performances within your field. Be sure your essay addresses the following topics:
Describe specific motivational techniques that could be used within your organization or one that interests you to improve work performances. Include your rationale.
Examine the effectiveness of motivating employees for the purpose of organizational retention.
Explain how goal setting and motivation promote positive organizational behavior and ethical decision-making.
In your opinion, explain how today’s leaders can best motivate followers to perform to their greatest potential.
Your APA-formatted response must be a minimum of two pages (not including the title page and the references page) and must include an introduction, a thesis statement (concise summary of the main point of the paper), and a clear discussion of the questions/topics above.
Your response must include a minimum of two credible references, one of which must be from the CSU Online Library.
All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. For step-by-step instructions for formatting a paper in APA style,

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