Posted: July 5th, 2022

Examine the nature of decision making and the type of decisions. Identify and define the rational decision-making process. Identify the various specific steps in this process.

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Please answer the question in essay format:
1. Examine the nature of decision making and the type of decisions. Identify and define the rational decision-making process. Identify the various specific steps in this process.
Please utilize a few citations from the listed textbook to back up a few points and refer to the grading criteria listed below. Students must use APA style citations in their writing assignments.
(S) Organizational Behavior: Managing People and Organizations
Ricky W. Griffin, Jean M. Phillips, Stanley M. Gully, 2019
ISBN.13: 978-0-357-04250-2
Grading Criteria:
Student used standard essay format: Introduction/Body/Conclusion. The structure is a multi-paragraph essay, clearly developed with effective transitions and solid topic sentences.
Student demonstrated an in-depth understanding of the ideas in the assigned reading and critically evaluates/responds to those ideas in an analytical persuasive manner (i.e. graduate level).
student was able to respond clearly and directly to the assignment in an academic manner with good development. The essay indicates a good understanding of the course content and supports its points with textual and outside references.
Student demonstrated the use of critical thinking while making novel connections to outside materials and experiences. Analysis is fresh, posing new ways to think of the material.

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