Posted: February 23rd, 2022

examine the reaction of China and Japan as the Western powers began to expand to these countries.

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Module Five Short Answer Assignment
This week, we will examine the reaction of China and Japan as the Western powers began to expand to these countries.  Japan would embrace these policies while China would resist modernization and colonial rule.  Consider the following information as you read through the learning modules and watch the lecture.
Review the following sections in the module to help you complete this assignment. This includes the lecture, videos, and sources.
1. Khan Academy does an excellent job explaining this in the videos “Japanese Imperialism” (Links to an external site.) and “Opium Wars”. (Links to an external site.)
2. Section 5.1 – Chinese Society in Transition – Qing Dynasty
3. Section 5.2 – Rise of Modern Japan and the Meiji Restoration
Assignment Instructions:
This short answer assignment asks you to provide two paragraphs of 300 words min. in each as follows:
1. Japan: Paragraph One: How did Japan react to Western policies and modernization? How did they use this to their advantage? In what ways did it make Japan more politically aggressive?Include at least one source from the learning materials in the module. This includes citations and a reference list. Note that citations should be used for quotes and also for information not in quotes that are not commonly known.
2. China: Paragraph Two: What was China’s reaction to colonialism? What role did the Opium Wars play in the political collapse of the country? What role did the Boxer Rebellion play in this? Include at least one source from the learning materials in the module. This includes citations and a reference list. Note that citations should be used for quotes and also for information not in quotes that are not commonly known.
NOTE: This assignment will be processed through Turnitin. Assignments with plagiarism will receive a 0. Be sure to check your report and make any needed changes in your final submission.

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