Posted: February 7th, 2023

Exercise 2 Exploring Cell Size In this exercise, you will examine the effect cha

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Exercise 2 Exploring Cell Size In this exercise, you will examine the effect changes in cell size have on the surface area to volume ratio (SAV) of a cell, and how this affects diffusion of molecules into the cell. You will be specifically examining the diffusion of water molecules through the cell as water is crucial to the majority of cellular activities. A water molecule will passively diffuse through the cytoplasm at an approximate rate of 200 um/s. A human skin cell has an average diameter of 30 pm. This means a water molecule can diffuse from the cell membrane to the center of the cell in approximately 0.075 seconds. Procedure Launch the virtual cell size exercise below. 2 Manipulate the dial to adjust the diameter of the cell. 1 150 pm Distance Traveled in 0.075 seconds 90 pm 210 μm 30 pm 270 pm Diameter (um) 30 0.075 Time to center of the cell(s) Procedure 1 Launch the virtual cell size exercise below. 2 Manipulate the dial to adjust the diameter of the cell. 150 pm Distance Traveled in 0.075 seconds 90 pm 210 pm 30 pm 270 pm Diameter (um) 30 Time to center of the cell (s) 0.075 3 Examine the effect changes in size have on how long it will take for a water molecule to passively diffuse to the center of the cell from the cell membrane. Complete Data Table 1 as you work through the exercise, using Equation 1 and Equation 2.
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