Posted: February 24th, 2022

“Exercises: Personification,” only numbers 1, 3, and 6 in Hamilton (45-47)

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please check the question carefully and answer the question’s . I tried to drag the files if you cant see the file please let me know, the file has all pages you need to complete the excurses
please separate the answers with words week
1. “Exercises: Similes and Metaphors ” in Hamilton (39-40). Remember: the most
important part of these exercises is strengthening your ability to explain the effect of
each literary tool. Identifying the tenor and vehicle is the easier part; narrating the
effect of that particular choice of vehicle is where the majority of response of your
response should be. A couple sentences or so is fine.
2. “Exercises: Personification,” only numbers 1, 3, and 6 in Hamilton (45-47)
3. “Exercises: Figures of Speech: Schemes,” only numbers 1-5 in Hamilton (71-72)
1. Exercises 1-4, 6, 9-10 from “Exercises: Rhyme ” in Hamilton (240-
242). Remember: the most important part of these exercises is strengthening your
ability to explain the effect of each literary tool. How does the rhyme contribute to
(or make the reader experience) the passage’s content and meaning?
2. All exercises from “Exercises: Part I of Sound and Sound Patterns” in Hamilton (248-
250). Part I only.
2. Hamilton, Exercises on “Meter” (Parts I-III only, pages 231-233). In Part II, don’t
worry about naming “Substitutions,” but do mark where the predominant meter changes
/ is interrupted.
3. Hamilton, Exercises on “Poetic Forms” (Part II only, pages 274-276)

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