Posted: November 11th, 2022

Explain and defend your resolution of that issue; and respond to alternative approaches to the issue— in a few pages.

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Goals of this essay assignment: to gain you practice and proficiency in the following skills:
advanced research
rhetorical and problem analysis
organization of the process and product of an in-depth and lengthy essay
How completing it will help you: I’ve designed this assignment with your future in mind: presumably, if you’re taking WR122, you’re moving on to a university and a B.A. or B.S. Your upper-division classes in your major will expect the above skills!
What you can expect from me: If you follow the assignments, you can expect constant feedback and guidance from me. I’ll look with you at what you’re finding and at your exploratory writing, and I’ll help you define an issue from what you explore, and I’ll help you define questions for further research on the issue you define, and I”ll help you with organizing all that work into a smoothly presented discussion.
Find a problem in your chosen field of study or career—a problem that is either acknowledged as such in the field, or a new one that you discover or define. Investigate that problem using both research and your analysis of that research, and either propose and defend a solution or argue for the significance of the problem and a course of action for solving it, or a new of looking at or defining it. Your audience is either students in the field or professionals in it, or perhaps both. (Who exactly your audience is will depend on the nature of the problem you define and investigate.)
You might, for example, “discover or define” an unrecognized problem through rhetorical analysis of someone writing about the field of study or career—meaning that they are responding to an issue, and you might, in analyzing their response, discover something about their response or about the issue they’re writing about.
Or you might find an argument in your field—or at least some kind of controversy. You could research that problem and its various sides and come down on one side or another, or find a compromise. (In this kind of “problem in your field,” you should be especially aware of the dates of your research, because sometimes people discuss controversies…and they actually get solved.)
Or you might put several people discussing different aspects of the same issue within your field against each other and discover an issue or way of looking at an issue that’s new—that’s a result of putting those several “heads” together.
As I hope you can see, there are multiple possibilities. In effect, the goal is this: enter a conversation that is occurring in your field, and contribute to it. What your contribution is—its nature, its degree of certainty, the research needed for it—will depend on who’s in the conversation and what it’s about.
This will be a lengthy paper! You cannot
establish the existence, scope, and definition of an issue;
demonstrate your investigation of that issue;
explain and defend your resolution of that issue;
and respond to alternative approaches to the issue—
in a few pages. Expect 8-12 pages, perhaps more. But try not to focus on that! By the time you
analyze initially in order to discover and define an issue;
research that issue and analyze that research;
figure out a solution and figure out how to support it;
and respond to alternatives—
you might find it hard to keep it to twelve pages.

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