Posted: May 5th, 2022

Explain and discuss the Quasi-Military Style of Policing, advantages, and criticisms.

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Explain and discuss the Quasi-Military Style of Policing, advantages, and criticisms.
How has police professionalism been enhanced in the last 20 years?
Pick a local, state, or federal Law Enforcement Agency that you are interested in and discuss a little about the organization, and why you are interested.
Explain the police subculture/culture and state and explain 5 causes.
Explain five Dimensions/Qualities of a good police officer.
Essay Instructions
Answers must be submitted through CANVAS, by uploading complete documents.
Do not submit links/links to websites for me to view your assignment.
After you upload your assignment responses, exit, and then go back into assignments to view your answers. Make sure it is there and in its entirety. You are responsible to ensure it was submitted properly.
Answer all the questions, put numbers, and number order your responses.
Answer the question, and answer questions, in essay, paragraph form, in your own words.
Answers should be at least 1 page per Question, 250 words.
Use quotes, cite your work, references.
Each question should have quotes from different sources and outside sources.
Do not have all your references and citing’s from my notes.
Resources such as textbook, library, internet, etc.
I need to see your quotes in quotes “”. I need to see the work your quoting, in quotes, with where it came from. Example:
“Life is not without risks, you learn to take them, or you sit home and watch life on tv.” (Buffett)
Then references or bio, at the end of the answer or on separate page, more detailed, where you got this information from. Example: Author(s). Year. Title. Publisher (and if it is from the internet list its) URL, https:, address.
Answer the question, and answer Questions, in essay, paragraph form, in your own words, at least 1 page per Question, 250 words = 1 Page: 70 points.
extra length: additional points.
Quotes: 1 or 2 points each quote.
Short responses will have points taken Off.
Missing responses to a question minus 10 points each.
Responses not Numbered 10 points off.

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