Posted: October 22nd, 2022

Explain how the host government may affect strategic implementation-in an alliance or another form of entry strategy.

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Remember, plagiarism is not accepted. If additional sources are used to answer the questions, the sources should be cited using APA format.
1. Discuss why companies go international, giving specific reactive and proactive reasons.
2. Explain and give examples of the impact of the Internet on small businesses.
3. Define and explain the process of environmental assessment, particularly the discussing the external and internal assessment
1. What are the common sources of incompatibility in cross-border alliances? What can be done to minimize them?
3. Explain why it is necessary for companies to implement a global sourcing strategy successfully.
4. What is involved in strategic implementation? What is meant by creating a system of fits with the strategic plan?
5. Explain how the host government may affect strategic implementation-in an alliance or another form of entry strategy.

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