Posted: July 18th, 2022

Explain how your perceived leadership effectiveness is supported by the results of each of the three assessments (360° Refined™, CQ Pro, VIA Character Strengths).

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Write a paper (suggested length of 10 pages)
by doing the following:
1. Explain how your perceived leadership effectiveness is
supported by the results of each of the three assessments
(360° Refined™, CQ Pro, VIA Character Strengths).
2. Summarize transactional leadership of
the following scholarly leadership theories to evaluate your perceived
effectiveness as a leader:
a. Analyze how the chosen leadership
theory aligns with the 360° Refined™ Leadership Test results, including the top
categorical result and the bottom categorical result. Support your analysis
with a scholarly source.
Note: A scholarly source is
written by an expert for an audience of other experts, researchers, or
students. Additionally, you may cite other reputable editor-reviewed articles
and books. A reputable source is defined as an article from a respected
industry publication, government organization, educational institution, or
industry leader. These can be found in the WGU Library or within the course.
b. Analyze how the chosen leadership theory aligns with
the CQ Pro Assessment results, including the top categorical result and the
bottom categorical result. Support your analysis with a scholarly source.
c. Analyze how the chosen leadership theory aligns with
the VIA Character Strengths Survey results, including the top categorical
result and the bottom categorical result. Support your analysis with a
scholarly source.
d. Recommend three action items
to improve the perceived effectiveness of your leadership based on the results
of the self-assessments (360° Refined™, CQ Pro, VIA Character Strengths) and
explain how each action
item would improve your leadership effectiveness.
i. Explain how your chosen leadership theory supports the
recommended action items. Support your explanation with a scholarly source.
C. Develop a leadership profile based on the results of
the three self-assessments that you completed in this course (360° Refined™, CQ
Pro, VIA Character Strengths) and the CliftonStrengths Assessment. Include each of
the following components:
• student name and current contact information
• education and credentials
• personal leadership philosophy, vision, and values
• leadership strengths
• leadership competencies and skills
• areas for leadership improvement
• leadership experiences and application
Note: Refer to the “C203
Self-Assessment Instructions” document in the Web Links section for specific
instructions on how to access the CliftonStrengths Assessment that you
completed in C200. If you have not completed C200, please follow the
instructions within that same document to complete the CliftonStrengths
D. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and
references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
E. Demonstrate professional communication in the content
and presentation of your submission.

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