Posted: October 27th, 2022

Explain the environment (i.e., the constraining and enabling structures and culture) in which public managers operate, as discussed in the readings assigned for weeks 4 and 5;

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To complete this assignment, you need to:
• Carefully go over the readings/materials assigned for Weeks 5 and 6 (including my class notes
and the assigned cases, if any).
• After doing so, you need to answer the following question focusing on expressing accurate
knowledge and demonstrating in-depth reflection and detail:
A. Explain the environment (i.e., the constraining and enabling structures and culture) in
which public managers operate, as discussed in the readings assigned for Weeks 4 and 5;
B. Given the environment (i.e., the constraining and enabling structures and culture) you
discussed in Part A: (1) identify the elements of the three-dimensional management
strategy and (2) explain the reasons why such strategy may be valuable in effectively
managing public organizations, as discussed in Hill & Lynn, Chapter 1 (Week 1) and in
the readings assigned for Weeks 4 and 5; and
C. In addressing Parts A and B, illustrate your points with examples either from your own
experience; from the cases/readings assigned in the course; or from recent developments
in the public sector to show how the three-dimensional management strategy you
discussed in Part B may be valuable in effectively managing public organizations.
• You need to include the full question (in bold) before your answer (not in bold).
• In your answer, you need to include references to the readings/materials assigned for Weeks 4
and 5 (including my class notes and the assigned cases, if any).
• You need to ensure that in-text citations in your answers and full references in the references list
are formatted following APA guidelines. For CSUDH resources about APA style click here. For
non-CSUDH resources click here;
• After writing your answer, you need to carefully proofread it. Your focus needs to be on
addressing all grammar, syntax, and punctuation errors.
• Before submitting your answer, ensure that it is between 1,000 and 1,250 words in length
(including the opinion discussion, but not counting the title page, the question, and reference list).
Please include after your answer the total word under the heading “Word Count.” Also, include
after your answer the word count for the opinion discussion under the heading “Opinion Word
• You need to ensure that your assignment is formatted following APA guidelines. For CSUDH
resources about APA style click here. For non-CSUDH resources click here.
• You need to ensure that your assignment includes the following elements:
1) A title page
2) The question asked (in bold) before your answer (not in bold)
3) Your answer
4) A reference list
Chapters 4,5,6, and 7 of the. 9781483344324
The attached articles need to be referenced in the essay.

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