Posted: February 8th, 2022
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Learning Goal: I’m working on a sociology question and need guidance to help me learn.Reflective Questions Hi Students,Below are your Module 1 Part 1 discussion questions. Please remember to respond to the correct question. In addition to that, it is important for me to highlight my expectations for your responses: BE PRECISE. Avoid giving generic answers. Cite your textbook. I will not remind you every week, but I expect this standard throughout the semester.If the first letter of your last name begins with: A-I — Always answer question 1.J-R — Always answer question 2.S-Z– Always answer question 3.Explain how the period of adolescence is different from other periods of life? What were some of the transitions you experienced that confirmed you were in the period of adolescence? Do you think the transitions are “standard” across cultures?
Explain the two views: storm and stress vs. positive development. Which one better articulates your experiences during adolescence? Provide at least 2 examples during your adolescence period. How did it shape you as a person today? Do you wish your experience is different (or not), and why?
From a global perspective, how does gender influence adolescent development? Explain the influence of gender in the US and compare it with another country with a different culture. Do you think culture plays a role in this? You can include some gender-specific things you personally encountered during the period of adolescence to support your answer for the influence of gender in the US.
Requirements: 13 hour | .doc file
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