Posted: February 24th, 2022

Explain what is going on in Florida with the Red Tides.

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Explain what is going on in Florida with the Red Tides. Be sure to include:
What are the organisms involved? Are the red tides natural or unnatural? Why or why not – support your answer with facts. DO NOT GOOGLE THIS QUESTION AND PASTE INTO YOUR DOCUMENT
What environmental pollutants cause the outbreaks? What are the sources of these pollutants? Include information on how the pollutants relate to the nutrient cycles.
How do you think Florida should address this issue? Give examples of how it can be addressed using the 5 stages in addressing environmental problems. Provide specific examples for each step.
What can YOU do immediately to reduce the effects of red tide? Give specific examples.
5 references using MLA or APA citation.
A good answer should be 2-3 page long (double-spaced)
Below I attached a Word document with some sources about red tides.

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