Posted: May 21st, 2022

Explain your initial strategy for R&D? Did that strategy work well?

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The R&D of a company is in charge of designing the product line, making improvements to existing products, and coming up with new products to meet customer demand and stay competitive. Using this week’s course readings and supplemental readings, create a podcast (a companywide broadcast message) about customer want/needs and how R&D strategy — investments and projections – will be a response to it.
Discuss and analyze the general importance of R&D within an organization.
Analyze your own R&D strategy for your company up through the first three rounds, and then include specific examples of the decisions that you made.
Explain your initial strategy for R&D? Did that strategy work well?
Indicate what you could change in regard to R&D as the rounds progress. Then explain why.
If you are new to podcasting, the information below might be helpful to you.
Remember, a podcast is a digital media file and in this case an audio file, which is what you will create.
Write out your script for the podcast to help you time it and to ensure you have included the required content.
Begin your podcast by providing relevant information and establishing a clear purpose that engages the listener.
Demonstrate thorough knowledge of the topic using relevant, quality details that go beyond the obvious.
Focus on your topic.
Be sure to include details from your experience on the topic along with your researched information.
Make sure there is a brief conclusion that connects the information in the podcast.
Use CaptureSpace to record your podcast. Instructions for using CaptureSpace are included in the Course Resources module.
Podcasts are evaluated based on the following information: 1) how well the introduction sets the scene; 2) clarity, accuracy, and relevance of content; 3) whether the conclusion provided a clear summary of the main points; 4) the structure and flow of the podcast, and 5) technical sound quality (volume and clarity). Creativity is also considered.
Length: 5 minutes
References: Supplement this weeks’ readings with a minimum of three additional scholar-practitioner articles from journals like Strategy & Business, California Management Review, Sloan Management Review, and Harvard Business Review.
Your presentation should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.
The completed assignment should address all of the assignment requirements, exhibit evidence of concept knowledge, and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the content presented in the course. The writing should integrate scholarly resources, reflect academic expectations and current APA standards, and adhere to the Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

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