Posted: May 31st, 2022

explore new or emerging technologies and/or computer-based information systems and how they can be applied to the business world, both for-profit and not-for-profit.

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The goal of this assignment is for you to explore new or emerging technologies and/or computer-based information systems and how they can be applied to the business world, both for-profit and not-for-profit. The student will research and identify a single “New Technology” and create a Web Page (Learning Journal) via Adobe Spark. Anyone after reading your Web Page (Learning Journal) should be able to fully explain the issue/technology to anyone on the street (yes even to grandma!). This individual project is worth 5% of your Final Grade and hence the quality of work is expected. Your Adobe Spark page link is due by June 13, 2022. Please submit your Adobe Spark page link to Canvas under Project #1. No late submission will be accepted for any reason. I suggest that you start working on it as soon as possible as you have a lot of ground to cover.
Possible Topics for “Latest and Greatest” IS issue/technology Assignment (Please feel free to select a current event topic in the IS field beyond this list if you prefer; If you are not sure whether the topic is a relevant topic to IS, please email your instructor to get an approval.)
Go to Adobe Creative Cloud Express (formerly Adobe Spark)from a computer.
Log in with your school account (Your CI account)
Create a new project using “Learning journal (web page).”
Select a “Theme” for your page. The theme activates a particular look and feel (and you may change it later).
Add a Title and Subtitle
Title – Your Research Project Topic
Subtitle – your name
5. Your page must include at least two content blocks:
1 image/video block – You will find images/videos which are relevant to/supporting your topic
1 Text block – in which you will type your research project in this Text Block. Your research project may cover the following components. You don’t have to follow it exactly. Some sections may not be needed, or additional sections may be necessary. It may vary depending on your topic. You may add anything you find interesting and you want to share with the class:
What is it (Define your Technique/IS issue)?
What are the infrastructure components?
How does it work?
How is it implemented for –
Organizations (Business, Public Organizations, etc.)
Individual users (residential users, students, etc.)
Who provides the service/Technology (names of companies and their web addresses)
Types of service
Cost of these services
Any potential problems
Compare this technology/services provided by different companies (at least two) in terms of price, service, quality, etc.
Conclusion Based on your findings
Here you provide your understanding of the important issues involved and possible future developments.
Your learning from this research project
6. Feel free to add any additional images or try out the photo grid, slideshow, or button option! Be as creative as you would like.
7. When you are done with your page, click Preview to check out your great work.
8. When you are happy with what you’ve made, click Share:
You will be provided with a Shareable Link to your page.
Click Copy.
Proceed to Step 2
For Category, select Education
For Author, enter your name if you’d like credit for your great work (why wouldn’t you?)
If you added a profile picture to your Adobe Spark account and would like that to appear on your Page, click the box next to the profile image
If you would like to permit Adobe to feature your great work on the Adobe Spark website, check that box (you’re on your way now!)
If you have included photos/graphics that you or someone else created, click More Options to attribute that content.
Finally, click Create link.

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