Posted: March 19th, 2022

explore the personality of a guitar brand of your choice, describing that brand’s purpose as if it were a three dimensional character.

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a advertising writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.For this assignment, explore the personality of a guitar brand of your choice, describing that brand’s purpose as if it were a three dimensional character. Just as you would do when you’re about to write a creative brief, thoroughly research the brand before beginning this assignment—visit the brand’s website, Facebook page, Instagram account, and Twitter account. Read customer testimonials, and go into your local music shop, pick up one of your brand’s guitars, and try to give it a wail! Listen to music played on a guitar by your brand—listen to how the notes sound. Compare the prices and products of other competitive guitar brands to your chosen brand. When writing, actually attempt to assume your brand’s voice. Try to answer the following questions as if your brand were a person that you were describing to your best friend: What is your brand for? What does your brand do for its customers? Get creative with this—harness everything you know about your brand in order to emotionally appeal to your audience, painting for them a picture of your brand that they’ve never seen or heard before. Use techniques you’ve discovered throughout this module regarding a manifesto’s elements in order to craft a declaration that encapsulates your brand’s personality, goals, and beliefs. Use the examples we explored in this module for inspiration. This is your first draft—not your final draft. Once you’ve posted your manifesto, review each of your classmates’ manifestos and provide constructive feedback on what’s working well, and what could possibly use some improvement. Use your personal taste and knowledge of manifesto writing techniques in order to provide this critique. Make an argument for how or why the manifesto is working in some places or might need improvement in other places. Avoid being overly judgmental, personal, or negative in your critique, but rather offer objective observations about why or how the manifesto might be improved. For instance, it would be better to say, “Your language is concise,” rather than, “I don’t like the words you picked.” Make sure to be thoughtful and exact in your critiques for each student, as you, as well, will be highly dependent on your fellow classmates’ concise critique of your work in order to turn in a polished and professional manifesto for Campaign Four.I have attached a draft from one of my classmates you can look at. Please write a manifesto of the guitar brand you chose. And please comment on this classmate’s draft.
Requirements: 2 paragraphs

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