Posted: February 24th, 2022

explore the various topics and functions from a sales perspective of Waste Management Inc

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The overall objective of this assignment is for you to explore the various topics and functions from a sales perspective of Waste Management Inc. The paper should be typed, a minimum of eight to 10 pages in length, and double-spaced as a WORD document and not as a pdf file. Cover sheet, a traditional table of contents with page numbers, embedded citations and a bibliography utilizing the APA style format are also to be included. You need a minimum of six sources, with no more than three resources pulled from Internet websites. The remaining three sources must be from documented sources such as books, newspapers, videos. These documented, referred sources will provide the framework for your topic paper. If you do not meet these minimum requirements it will severely affect your grade. I will also be grading for grammar, punctuation, and format. It needs to look professional.

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