Posted: June 13th, 2022

Facilities management is the one of the important factors for all kind of industries. Choose one of the industries that you know: a) Describe the overview of the industries and facilities department

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Facilities management is the one of the important factors for all kind of industries.
Choose one of the industries that you know:
a) Describe the overview of the industries and facilities department
b) Describe what is the tools and services provided by the facilities department and explain how the facilities department can reduce the operations cost? Give examples.
c) Analyse the two basic areas of facilities management in detail and describe the difference roles practiced by both below facilities’ management.
i. Hard Facilities Management (Hard FM)
ii. Soft Facilities Management (Soft FM).
d) Choose one of the facilities technology software and hardware the above industry practice and explain how does those technology can increase the productivity and improve the work flow in facilities department?
e) Describe why the operations strategy is important and explain how its help to increase the production output?
f) Analyse how to manage manufacturing operations effectively? Give some important input to manage manufacturing operations effectively.
2500 words in total, exclusive of citations and headings.
format required:
– introduction of facilities management
– questions’ answers
– conclusion

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