Posted: June 9th, 2022

Factor Polynomials

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04 Assignment – Factor Polynomials
Module 04 Content (see attachment for the diagram)
You are going to plant a rectangular flower bed consisting of tulips in the middle surrounded by daisies on the outside. You have the same amount of each flower and will need an equal area for each. You want the border of daisies to be uniform around the tulips in the middle, as shown in the diagram below:
Assessment Instructions
Show and explain all steps in your responses to the following parts of the assignment. All mathematical steps must be formatted using the equation editor.
Part 1: Find the total area of flower bed.
Part 2: Write the area of the flower bed as an equation using multiplication of two binomials.
Part 3: Solve your equation from Part 2.
Part 4: Identify the extraneous solution and explain how it was determined to be extraneous.
Part 5: Find the width of the part of the flower bed with the daisies.
Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

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