Posted: July 14th, 2022

FILM/QUESTION LINKS: Among the Wild Chimpanzees

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You will need to set aside at least an hour to watch a film and answer the questions provided. Your assignment will be graded based on your understanding and use of information presented in the specific film. How to submit assignment:
Copy and paste the associated video questions into your word processing program. Watch the video and answer questions using information from the film. Type your answers in complete sentences after each question. Make sure you support your answers with specific information from the film. DO NOT simply quote the film transcript to answer the questions, watch the whole film, take notes, and write up the answers IN YOUR OWN WORDS. The answers are not necessarily going to all be in order in the film, many questions can be answered using information from several parts.
If you just copy and paste the transcript, this is plagiarism. If your answers are the same or similar to another student’s, you will lose all credit for the assignment. Answers should be single-spaced. Your entire completed assignment (including the questions) should total a minimum of 750 words.
Save your work in a file and upload your completed answers here in the Turnitin assignment area (accepted file formats: doc, docx, pdf).
FILM/QUESTION LINKS: Among the Wild Chimpanzees
Copy the video questions posted below before watching so you know what to look for. Answers to questions are not necessarily in order within the film; take notes so you can submit the best answer based on all of the film content.
Read the questions over carefully first! Be sure you know the definitions of the terms according to course information!
Video Questions: Among the Wild Chimpanzees
Describe several aspects of the chimps’ daily activities at Gombe. Who are the members of the main family of chimps shown in the film and what are their relationships to one another? Add more as you learn more through the film!
Describe specific evidence of dominant behaviors you see in the film.
Describe specific evidence of affiliative behaviors shown by the chimps in the film.
Describe specific evidence of learned behaviors shown in the film. There are several shown, so name at least a few.
Describe specific evidence of territorial/aggressive behaviors shown (note: this is not the same as dominant behaviors).
Describe evidence of chimp emotional behaviors.
What was the human impact on the Gombe chimps? Do you think it was positive/negative/both? Evidence?
Go back and review the different behaviors you recorded in answers 3-7. How could these be seen as adaptive behaviors (favored by natural selection)? Are any behaviors maladaptive (not favored)? Be thorough with your answers here!.

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