Posted: September 24th, 2022

Finally, after reading the chapters, in your analysis which leadership or combination of leadership theories do you think is best for leading high – performance projects – why?

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In our textbook read Chapter 1 (Different Perspectives of Leadership) & Chapter 2 (Patterns of Project Leadership)
If your major is Organization Leadership (MSOL) you either have or will take Course 510, Transformational Leadership. “Transformational leadership is a leadership theory in which leaders encourage, inspire and motivate employees to innovate and create change that will help grow and shape the future success of the organization.” Leadership theories include: Theory of Contingencies, Theory of Situations, Great Man Theory, Trait Theory, Behaviorist Theory and Servant Leadership Theory among others. Write a three-page essay discussing a. the similarities and differences of leadership theories, b. Discuss your career experience. Which singular or combination type of leader have you encountered? What type of leader do you work best or think you would work best under – why? Which singular or combination leadership theory best reflects your style/behavior as a leader – why? Finally, after reading the chapters, in your analysis which leadership or combination of leadership theories do you think is best for Leading High – Performance Projects – why?
Submit in Blackboard email to Professor Scott only.
Due on or before Sept. 26th 2022

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