Posted: October 24th, 2022

Find one research article on the effects of covid on the workplace (whether it’s physical, mental, social, psychological or economical) and discuss your experience with whatever effect you choose and how it has effected your work/life balance.

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We are all blatantly aware of the effects of COVID-19 in the world. In March 2020, most of us started working from home, and if we had a job where we couldn’t work from home, we quit. Most industries suffered with many businesses shutting down or were saved by government subsidies. Then, vaccinations became widely available in the Fall of 2021. As people became vaccinated, we all thought the worse was over until the virus began to mutate and infect those who have been vaccinated.
Fast forward to 2022 and now with 2 years of research under our belts, we have learned a lot about how covid has long-term effects on people in the workplace. Find one research article on the effects of covid on the workplace (whether it’s physical, mental, social, psychological or economical) and discuss your experience with whatever effect you choose and how it has effected your work/life balance. Then, read and post to at least ONE classmate’s posting; give your honest (but tasteful) opinion.
35 points – article (make sure you provide the source)
30 points – discussion
10 points – posting to another classmate’s posting with your opinion

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