Posted: June 22nd, 2022

First, decide the type of airline you work for: • Small Flight School (approx 30 employees) • Regional Carrier (approx 300 employee) • Large International Carrier (approx 30,000 employees)

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First, decide the type of airline you work for:
• Small Flight School (approx 30 employees)
• Regional Carrier (approx 300 employee)
• Large International Carrier (approx 30,000 employees)
Select 3 SMS systems suitable for the type of airline you work for. After selecting 3 systems of your choice, outline a few key characteristics of the different software solutions. For example:
• Technology used (e.g. database type, web or desktop application, programming language)
• Differentiators (e.g. Unique characteristics)
• Cost (e.g. monthly fees, setup cost, per user fees)
• Existing customers
• Regulatory compliance (e.g. Compliance with CARs, FAA regulations, EASA)
• Reporting capabilities (if available, include some sample reports, dashboards, graphs in the
• Limitations
• Introduction and Conclusion
• Guideline of 2 pages in length, double spaced
• Cite your sources and include them in a bibliography

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