Posted: July 7th, 2022

First, for this DQ you need to pair up with a classmate from a different country, if possible. Meet on Zoom (and record the meeting) to discuss (example: the importance of being “nimble” in all aspects of a firm’s operation – that is, to be in a position to be maximally flexible, adaptable, and speedy in response to change.) How might a leader’s values increase or decrease their effectiveness as they approach their role?

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Discussion Question – CLO 3
First, for this DQ you need to pair up with a classmate from a different country, if possible. Meet on Zoom (and record the meeting) to discuss (example: the importance of being “nimble” in all aspects of a firm’s operation – that is, to be in a position to be maximally flexible, adaptable, and speedy in response to change.) How might a leader’s values increase or decrease their effectiveness as they approach their role? How might a leader’s emotional intelligence increase or decrease their effectiveness in a leadership role?
After you meet, you will both write your conclusions to these questions.
Note: Only one post per group is needed. You must also provide the link to the Google document and please list the names of the partners in the Google document.
Each person should post at least one reply response to another group outside of their own group. *you need to state you didn’t find a classmate and did the homework by yourself and use one source to answer the question

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