Posted: August 8th, 2022

For this discussion forum, you will examine a case study of two leaders on a sen

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For this discussion forum, you will examine a case study of two leaders on a senior team, Ahmed and Damon, who are in conflict with one another. After reading the case study, you will start your discussion by describing traits and characteristics of effective leaders in teams and organizations. Your perspective on effective leadership will provide a point of comparison for how this team is currently led and how it would be better led. You will then analyze the points of conflict between the leaders, especially as they relate to issues of power and politics. As you read this week, you will discover that conflict can be avoided or better managed through appropriate structuring of teams and by fostering a collaborative climate. Using this knowledge, you will analyze how the team structure and climate can be enhanced. Finally, you will share strategies that may alleviate the conflict and improve team performance.
In your initial discussion forum post,
Describe two to four traits and/or characteristics of effective leaders in teams and organizations.
Identify the main points of conflict between Ahmed and Damon, including issues of power and politics that may be involved.
Discuss how the current team structure and climate may contribute to Ahmed and Damon’s conflict.
Analyze which aspects of followership may need to be fostered on this team to improve team collaboration.
Share at least three strategies, based on your readings, that may alleviate the conflict and improve team performance.

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