Posted: February 5th, 2022

Formal enforcement powers, and the federal bank regulatory agency

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Question 1
a – Please list formal enforcement powers, and the federal bank regulatory agency to which they are principally granted, for dealing with troubled institutions.
b – Do the powers go farther than necessary to achieve the goals assigned to the regulator? Explain.
Question 2
Please list various approaches to failed bank resolution adopted by the FDIC, and in particular, the advantages and disadvantages of the “open-bank assistance” approach.
Question 3
For an insured bank in default the FDIC is authorized to arrange a purchase and assumption transaction.
a – Please list the priorities the FDIC applies when authorizing an assisted emergency acquisition.
b- To what extent, if any, should the FDIC’s powers be available to the banks which purchase the assets and liabilities of the failing institutions?
At least 1 page per question
US statutes and cases – correct citations

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