Posted: November 15th, 2022

Framing of policy issue – Describe or frame the issue

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Prompt: The portfolio paper covers the topics discussed and presented in the
course. The paper will be evaluated using the Grading Rubric for Final Paper
(Appendix B). The assignment is due in Unit 7 by Saturday 11:59 p.m.
For this paper, choose one public policy issue at the state or federal level that you
see as important.
(1) Framing of policy issue – Describe or frame the issue Be specific.
(2) Analysis of policy issue – Describe and analyze the issue using the
methodology and steps for policy analysis as learned in this course
(particularly chapters 14-18). Include a discussion of relevant material from
your textbooks, and include secondary references to analyze the issue. Be
sure to address relevant factors both for and against the policy, and support
your analysis with references to credible sources. All references must be
from credible scholarly sources that are available in Belhaven’s Virtual
Library, or from credible online sources such as governmental agencies,
think tanks, or professional associations. Wikipedia, Investopedia, or other
“…pedia” websites, blogs, and other similar websites are not acceptable as
(3) Analysis of official’s position – Choose one current representative or
senator (if the policy is a state issue, then choose a state representative or
senator; if the policy is a federal issue, then choose someone elected to U.S.
House or Senate) to evaluate where that official stands on the issue (for or
against and why). Include specific sources to support your analysis of the
official’s position on the issue.
(4) Christian Worldview analysis – Discuss how a Christian worldview applies
to the policy and how the policy should be addressed from a biblical
foundation. Include specific scriptures to support your position. Do not just
quote scriptures; instead, explain how the scriptures apply to the policy.
(5) Personal position on issue – Based upon all your research as you explain in
steps (1) – (4) above, explain your position on the policy issue. Be specific.
Exactly how would you address the policy issue. Be sure you include an
explanation of how you would fund your proposed action. (Note: Funding
is almost always an issue with every policy decision!)
o Requirements:
▪ 2,500 – 3,000 words of which 500 – 750 words relate to Christian
▪ APA 7th edition format
▪ Times New Roman, 12 font, double-spaced
▪ Title pages, including title of paper, your name, course name,
course number and date of submission
▪ Brief introduction (no more than 5-6 sentences)
▪ Conclusion (no more than 5-6 sentences)
▪ Minimum of 6 scholarly sources (not counting textbooks or Bible)
▪ References page
▪ Turnitin similarity index should not exceed

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