Posted: September 29th, 2022

Funding sources: 300-400 words two funding mechanism url citations- you select two optimal funding mechanisms, clearly justified.

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Problem Statement: 400-500 words At least 2 grey literature or academic sources – ( My problem: Air pollution in Los Angeles. This problem has to due with Los Angeles being the city with the worst ozone pollution in the U.S to due excessive driving. Humans are major contributors to this issue. (This can can cause a negative health impact). You describe the specific problem and target population clearly. The problem is one that involves social, cultural, or behavioral issues. You use and cite at least two reliable and relevant sources. You fulfill the required word count. You use your own words (not direct quotes). Anthropological Perspectives: 400-500 words At least two academic sources -You clearly and thoroughly describe suitable specific anthropological perspectives and approaches to the problem using and citing at least two reliable and relevant peer-reviewed sources. You fulfill the required word count. You use your own words (not direct quotes). Evidence-Based Solutions: 400-500 words Two grey literature citations-You select optimal evidence-based models (EBMs) and best practices (BPs), clearly justified. Key features of the EBM or BP are clearly described. You fully cite two sources. You fulfill the required word count. You use your own words (not direct quotes). Funding Sources: 300-400 words Two funding mechanism URL citations- You select two optimal funding mechanisms, clearly justified. Key features of the funding mechanism are clearly described. CFDA # and/or URL are easily traceable. You fulfill the required word count. You use your own words (not direct quotes).

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