Posted: February 20th, 2022

gender differences in intelligence (ch. 7), expression of emotion (ch. 8), and the upcoming chapter on gender and sexuality (ch. 11).

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Gender and culture are discussed regularly in our textbook. It is discussed in terms of gender differences in intelligence (ch. 7), expression of emotion (ch. 8), and the upcoming chapter on gender and sexuality (ch. 11). Discussion of culture is woven in throughout the entire book and is very important in contextualizing information of many psychological concepts.
What if you were born as a different gender or ethnicity of what you were actually born (you can choose whether to focus on gender or ethnicity in your post).  Then answer the following questions.
1) In what ways do you think your life would have been different?
2) Would you have been treated differently by your family? Elaborate.
3) By your friends and peers? By society? Elaborate.
4)Would you have had different interests or personality traits? Elaborate.
5) What do you think contributes to some people’s discomfort in discussing issues of equity and equality (even if you don’t feel uncomfortable, sometimes others do).
6) What is one thing that you can do to help promote equity and equality (whether referring to gender or ethnicity)?
Please elaborate in your responses. Just a few sentences is not enough to thoroughly answer the question. The more detail you can give, the more points you will be awarded. This may be a sensitive topic but I trust that we can discuss this with respect and compassion especially toward those with viewpoints different from our own.  And don’t forget to stick to the word count guidelines so that you can help yourself get the full points.  Reply to me Mon-Wed and reply to 2 classmates Thurs to Sunday, as always!

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