Posted: May 5th, 2022

General statements on the role transition from RN to APN

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Introduction: Provide
an overview of what will be covered in the paper. Introduction should
include general statements on advanced practice nursing roles, general
statements on the role transition from RN to APN, and identification of
the purpose of the paper.
APN Roles: Describe the role, educational preparation,
and work environment for the four APN roles (CNP, CNS, CRNA
& CNM). Provide support from at least one scholarly source.
for Choosing CNP Role: Describe your rationale for choosing the
CNP advanced practice role versus one of the other roles.
for Clinical Practice: Discuss your plans for clinical practice
after graduation. Explain how your understanding of NP
practice has changed after researching the four
ANP roles.
Transition: Discuss your transition from the RN role to the NP
role. Describe two factors that may impact your transition. Discuss two
strategies you will use to support a successful transition from the RN to
your NP role. Provide reference support from at least one scholarly
source. The textbook is not a scholarly source.
Conclusion: Provide
a conclusion, including a brief summary of what you discussed in the

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