Posted: July 4th, 2022

Gillespie, N., Dietz, G., & Lockey, S. (2014). Organizational reintegration and trust repair after an integrity violation: A case study. Business Ethics Quarterly, 24(3), 371-410.

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Research Paper is due this week. Submit to the Assignments area for grading by Sunday of Week 2. The concepts of power, trust, influence, and politics are critical to the study of organizational behavior. Select one of these areas and find two (2) empirical studies, published within the past 10 years, and summarize each article (researcher’s methods and findings), as well as writing a concise analysis, interpretation, and conclusion about the topic. Remember to keep your topic narrow. No more than three pages for the entire paper.
Articles for week:
Scandura, T, A. (2022) (3rd. Edition). Essentials of organizational behavior: An evidence-based approach. (any version: hard cover, e-book). Los Angeles, CA: Sage. ISBN:9781544396781 (paperback).
Chapter 6 and 7
Gillespie, N., Dietz, G., & Lockey, S. (2014). Organizational reintegration and trust repair after an integrity violation: A case study. Business Ethics Quarterly, 24(3), 371-410.
Jávor, I., & Jancsics, D. (2016). The role of power in organizational corruption. Administration & Society, 48(5), 527-558.
Ted Talks: Simon Sinek: Why good leaders make you feel safe
Everyday Leadership Drew Dudley

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