Posted: February 24th, 2022

) Give a definition and description of homicide, define and describe the criminal behavior.

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) Give a definition and description of homicide, define and describe the criminal behavior. You may want to include
a legal definition of the crime, but more importantly, you need to discuss the behavioral patterns of
the crime.
To explain the criminal behavior that you choose, using two theories
: Finally, your description of criminal behavior
and theories to explain it should be connected with a discussion of social control and public policy.
Thus, you should address how effective formal (or informal) social control institutions are likely to
reduce the criminal behavior you discuss. For example, would harsh punishments be more effective
than rehabilitation to control thieves? Is it even possible to “correct” individuals’ criminal behavior?
Briefly discuss the best role of police and courts with regards to the criminal behavior. For example,
should we make longer prison sentences and add more police to the streets?
Human nature
All theories are based on assumptions of human nature. Further, assumptions of human nature
often influence whether or not a theorist stresses processes at the micro or macro level. Classical
theorists assumed that humans are guided by individual interest. In contrast, many sociologists
typically stress the importance of group-level phenomena such as institutions and conformance to
Concepts organize and simplify phenomena, and are essentially definitions. In order for you to
clearly outline a theory, you need to clearly define all of its conceptual attributes. Thus, if
subcultures or collective efficacy are important in your theory, explain exactly what you mean by
those terms.
Relationship between theoretical concepts
Theories provide explanations about one set of events by referring to other events. Thus, theories
are based on relationships between concepts. Your assignment is to explain how the concepts of
your theory are causally related to one another. In other words, you need to articulate how your
concepts are interlinked to produce the effects to be explained or predicted.

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