Posted: November 14th, 2022

Give a overall summary or an abstract of the paper first.

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Submit a two-page paper (typed, APA style) answering the questions following the case study as it relates to course content and be prepared to discuss the case in class. Give a overall summary or an abstract of the paper first. 1. What is free will for a consumer? How do we as consumers control ourselves and make intelligent decisions on what we need as a consumer? 2. How does consumer psychology involve defining attributes of cultural activity? 3. How does the consumer create that self-control when shopping? There are so many options and activites and groups to be apart of – how does the consumer make the decision to go with one product over the others?
4. How does advertising play a role in all of this? 5. How does a consumer having free-will play such a major role in their decisions? 6. Explain the paper’s understanding of ego depletion & self-control failure – how does that affect us as consumers? 7. How does having too many choices or not enough understanding affect our ego, id, and behavior as a consumer?

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