Posted: May 7th, 2022

Given a chosen company, the student will detect and evaluate the political and legal limitations and barriers for the company using both the Domestic and Global environments.

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LO – 5 – Given a chosen company, the student will detect and evaluate the political and legal limitations and barriers for the company using both the Domestic and Global environments.
Write a paper that covers the following:
1. Describe and integrate the political and legal environments/structures of your selected company’s home (domestic) country and another country in which it does business (global). (If your company does not have another clearly identified country, select a country in which it is likely to do — or could do – business.)
2. What exists for your worst company in the context of the domestic and global political-legal environments?
Instructions: Also see Attachments.
This paper will provide a portion of the details you will cover in your Simulation assignment.
Research requirement: minimum 2 credible sources with at least one source from required readings.
Minimum page requirement: 2-3 pages in APA format.
Submit Assignment 5 by midnight, Day 7, week 5.
For further guidance please review the Grading Rubric for this and all assignments for guidance in preparing your paper. The assignment instructions MEET expectations, to EXCEED expectations, review the rubrics.

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